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The Highs and the Lows

Motherhood/Parenthood is a crazy journey. In the last two days we have had definitions of the highs and the lows.

Yesterday my middleborn, EA, had her first (Christmas given) gymnastics lesson at Salem Swim and Gymnastics. She. Crushed. It. She nailed everything they told her do and was better on her first day than other kids who had been doing this for months. (And I'm not judging those sweet girls at all! As I told EA, everyone is there to learn and everyone is at a different level.) But I was just so ecstatic because I could see her joy.

She was enjoying it, and just soaking it in. I had kind of voluntold her to play soccer this past Fall season and she kind of enjoyed it once I made her go. But this was SO different. From the get go, I could see how into it she was. And it was so joyful for me to see her so into it. The coaches were visibly surprised multiple times. They only showed her what she had to do once for each skill and she nailed it each time. At the end of the lesson, the primary coach said, "she's a natural!"

I was and am thrilled and so grateful, and wishing we had done this years ago as I had thought of.

That was the high. The night before last, my thirdborn, MK, had come into my room and been having trouble sleeping. She also came in last night, and has been throwing up and sick ever since. Poor girl, I feel so bad for her. She's kind of been sick a lot over this Fall, a) because she's started 2 days a week at a preschool and b) because we visit my sister and her boys a lot, one of whom goes to all day preschool and the other to daycare.

Colds and bugs happen a lot when you have little ones. It happens and we're used to it (with LJ being 8 and EA being 6) but it still sucks.

I'm tired. It's a lot. But totally worth it for these humans who I love.

-Mackenzie Cates-Allen/She Of Many Hats/Modern Millennial Mom

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